Kapitza's Pendulum

Inverted Pendulums

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I would imagine the reader is fascinated by pendulums. How else would someone find this page? If, by rare chance, a reader found this page by happenstance I urge you not to leave! At least look upon the pictures and animations. If what is seen piques your interest—let me explain Kapitza's fascinating pendulum.

Imagine you needed to stabilize the simple pendulum given at the beginning of the spring pendulum article. What positions would you guess are stable? Obviously, pointing downward is stable. Is pointing upward stable? You could imagine in a make-believe world where all variables are accounted for, pointing up might work. In this perfect world, no external variables would destabilize the pendulum. Pointing upwards is an unstable position. The most insignificant force would cause the pendulum to fall. Imagine this perfect pendulum existing: there it is, sitting there, pointing up. Or is it? Unfortunately, you can’t see it, turning on the lights would shoot photons upon the device altering the equilibrium. Imagine removing everything from the universe. You are alone with the pendulum and it is cold. Is it stable now? Could it balance then? Alas, your bodies’ infinitesimal gravitational pull causes a disturbance—knocking the device over. Frustrated, you wish yourself away and finally the pendulum stands tall. Alone in the empty cosmos with no one to see.

Anyway, other people have asked this question. In 1908, Andrew Stephenson predicted and experimentally proved a single pendulum can be stabilized through vertical oscillations1. One year later, Stephenson revisited the problem and predicted double or triple pendulums could be stabilized in a similar manner. Research continued exploring the interesting dynamics of this system. This culminated in 1951 with Pjotr Kapitza’s detailed Dynamic stability of the pendulum with vibrating suspension point2. After Kapitza, hundreds of papers were written and the subject has been thoroughly explored.

Regardless, hundreds of papers written doesn’t exactly translate to lots of people know about it. So, I was intrigued when I first came across the phenomenon:

The most incredible part to me was: Sympy replicated this. I modeled a three pendulum system and vibrated the base. To my surprise, the pendulum stabilized upright. It always amazes me when the simulation shows a physical oddity you were not expecting. So lets model this…

3 links


I’ll begin with importing all the necessary libraries.

from sympy import symbols, init_printing
import sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
from pydy.system import System
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

I am going to make all the masses and pendulum lengths the same. The cart_mass is actually the connection point from \(L_1​\) to the rigid ceiling. The connection point will be free to move in the \(Y\) direction. However, a very strong spring force will hold the point. This spring connection will be key to make the pendulum oscillate.

# Constants
Length1 = 0.5
Length2 = 0.5
Length3 = 0.5
point1_mass = 0.01
point2_mass = 0.01
point3_mass = 0.01
cart_mass = 10.0
# Create the Main Frame
A = me.ReferenceFrame('A')

# Create the symbols
x, y, beta, theta, gamma, f = me.dynamicsymbols('x y beta theta gamma f')
x_dot, y_dot, gamma_dot = me.dynamicsymbols('x_dot y_dot gamma_dot')
beta_dot, theta_dot = me.dynamicsymbols('beta_dot theta_dot')

M, m1, m2, m3, g, t = sympy.symbols('M m1 m2 m3 g t')
L1, L2, L3 = sympy.symbols('L1 L2 L3')

# Orient the other frames
B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', [beta, A.z])
C = A.orientnew('C', 'Axis', [theta, A.z])
D = A.orientnew('D', 'Axis', [gamma, A.z])

# Create the Origin
Origin = me.Point('Origin')
Origin.set_pos(Origin, 0)
Origin.set_vel(A, 0)

# Create the Rod Points
P0 = me.Point('P0')
P1 = me.Point('P1')
P2 = me.Point('P2')
P3 = me.Point('P3')

# Set the Rod End Points Positions
P0.set_pos(Origin, x * A.x + y * A.y)
P1.set_pos(P0, -L1 * B.y)
P2.set_pos(P1, -L2 * C.y)
P3.set_pos(P2, -L3 * D.y)

Now we can set the velocities and export the velocity of P3.

# Set the Velocities of the Points
P0.set_vel(A, x_dot * A.x + y_dot * A.y)
P1.v2pt_theory(P0, A, B)
P2.v2pt_theory(P1, A, C)
P3.v2pt_theory(P2, A, D)

\[ x_{dot}\mathbf{\hat{a}_x} + y_{dot}\mathbf{\hat{a}_y} + L_{1} \dot{\beta}\mathbf{\hat{b}_x} + L_{2} \dot{\theta}\mathbf{\hat{c}_x} + L_{3} \dot{\Gamma\left(t\right)}\mathbf{\hat{d}_x} \]

# Set up the kinematic differential equations
kde = [x_dot - x.diff(t),
       y_dot - y.diff(t),
       beta_dot - beta.diff(t),
       theta_dot - theta.diff(t),
       gamma_dot - gamma.diff(t)]

# Create the Particles
Pa0 = me.Particle('Pa0', P0, M)
Pa1 = me.Particle('Pa1', P1, m1)
Pa2 = me.Particle('Pa2', P2, m2)
Pa3 = me.Particle('Pa3', P3, m3)

We can now add the external forces acting on the bodies. I added a slight rotational \(k\) force on all the connection points so they will eventually stop rotating. The horizontal variable is the huge spring that will make the device vibrate. The forcing variable is a “push” on the last mass. We are going to push it to see how well it can stabilize.

# Creating the forces acting on the bodies
grav_force_0 = (P0, -M * g * A.y)
grav_force_1 = (P1, -m1 * g * A.y)
grav_force_2 = (P2, -m2 * g * A.y)
grav_force_3 = (P3, -m3 * g * A.y)
static_force = (P0, (m1 + m2 + m3 + M) * g * A.y)
rot1_k = (B, -beta_dot * 0.001 * A.z)
rot2_k = (C, -theta_dot * 0.001 * A.z)
rot3_k = (D, -gamma_dot * 0.001 * A.z)
horizontal = (P0, -y * 1000000 * A.y)

forcing = (P3, f * A.x)

loads = [grav_force_0,

This is our “pushing” force.

def bang(amp,begin,end,t):
    duration = end - begin
    return amp * (t >= begin) + -2*amp * (t >= end) + amp * (t>= end + duration)
# Setting up the coordinates, speeds, and creating KanesMethod
coordinates = [x, y, beta, theta, gamma]
speeds = [x_dot, y_dot, beta_dot, theta_dot, gamma_dot]
kane = me.KanesMethod(A, coordinates, speeds, kde)

# Creating Fr and Fr_star
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations(loads, [Pa0, Pa1, Pa2, Pa3])

# Creating the PyDy System
sys = System(kane)
# Assigning all the constants
runtime = 15

sys.constants = {m1: point1_mass,
                 m2: point2_mass,
                 m3: point3_mass,
                 M: cart_mass,
                 g: 9.81,
                 L1: Length1,
                 L2: Length2,
                 L3: Length3}
# Y at -0.025 for proper oscillation
sys.initial_conditions = {x:0, y:-0.025, beta:3.2, theta:3.2, gamma:3.2}
# sys.specifieds={f:lambda y, t:bang(4,2,4,t)}
sys.specifieds={f:lambda y, t:bang(0.5,2,2.2,t)}
sys.times = np.linspace(0.0, runtime, runtime*30)
resp = sys.integrate()

Let’s plot the response as if we were looking straight on.

x_resp = resp[:,0]
y_resp = resp[:,1]
beta_resp = resp[:,2]
theta_resp = resp[:,3]
gamma_resp = resp[:,4]
ax = plt.gca()
# plt.subplot(131)
plt.plot(x_resp, y_resp)
pen1 =Length1*np.sin(beta_resp) + x_resp
pen2 = -Length1*np.cos(beta_resp) + y_resp

pen3 = (Length1*np.sin(beta_resp) + Length2*np.sin(theta_resp) + x_resp)
pen4 = (-Length1*np.cos(beta_resp) - Length2*np.cos(theta_resp) + y_resp)

pen5 = (Length1*np.sin(beta_resp) + Length2*np.sin(theta_resp) + Length3*np.sin(gamma_resp) + x_resp)
pen6 = (-Length1*np.cos(beta_resp) - Length2*np.cos(theta_resp) - Length3*np.cos(gamma_resp) + y_resp)

plt.plot(pen1, pen2)
plt.plot(pen3, pen4)
plt.plot(pen5, pen6)
plt.title('Front Facing Response')
Inverted Response


Wow, looks like it worked! You can see in purple where the push hit the top mass. It must have fallen then corrected itself. We can go farther though and animate this:

Inverted Animation


So why does this happen?

… to be continued

  1. A. Stephenson, On a new type of dynamical stability. 1908

  2. “DYNAMICAL STABILITY OF A PENDULUM WHEN ITS POINT OF SUSPENSION VIBRATES,” in Collected Papers of P.L. Kapitza, Elsevier, 1965, pp. 714–725.] 

Created: 15 Jun 2019